Neighborhoods are good communities

David F. Gleich

C. Seshadhri

These codes are research prototypes and may not work for you. No promises. But do email if you run into problems.




Start matlab in the directory where you unzipped the neigh-comm.tar.gz file

$ matlab
>> setup_paths
>> compile

This should work on Mac OSX (Lion tested) and Ubuntu linux (10.10 tested) with Matlab R2011a.

Once that's all done, the following should work (in Matlab)

>> ncpneighs(load_graph('email-Enron'))

To run some of the codes, you'll need to compile the pprclusters directory.

In bash:

$ cd pprclusters
$ make

Please let me know if you run into any issues.


The package is organized by directory

All of the main matlab codes
data files for the experiments, and precomputed data
codes to poke around the edges and make sure things work as expected
experimental codes and figures
standalone C++ code for the ppr clusters
this information and all the figures


|Experiment|Description|Figure| |:------------------|:------------------------------------|:------------------| |experiments/lesmis/lesmis_figs.m | The les mis figure sequences | Fig. 1, Fig. 6 | |data/print_graph_table | Write out the data for each graph | Tab. 2 | |experiments/neighborhoods/neighborhoods.m | Make the neighborhood plots from precomputed data | Fig. 2 | |experiments/neighborhoods/neighvsncp.m | Make the neighborhood and pprncp plots from precomputed data | Fig. 3 | |experiments/cores/corefigs.m | Compare the core clusters to the others | Fig. 4 | |experiments/grow/localmin_figure.m | Show the locally minimal communities on the ncp| Fig. 5 | |experiments/grow/pprgrowfigs.m | Compare the pprgrown clusters to the others | Fig. 7 |

Online only figures

The names of the graphs are:

Penn94, anony-interactions-oneyearA-cc (fb-A-onyear), arxiv-ubc,
as-22july06, ca-AstroPh-cc, cond-mat-2005-fix-cc,
dblp-cc, email-Enron-cc, hollywood-2009-cc,
itdk0304-cc, networkA-anonymized (fb-A), oregon2_010526,
p2p-Gnutella25, rand-ff-25000-0.4 (ff-0.4), rand-ff-25000-0.49 (ff-0.49),
soc-LiveJournal1, web-Google

Any figure can be accessed via * neigh-itdk0304-cc.png * nvsncp-itdk0304-cc.png * core-itdk0304-cc.png * pprgrow-itdk0304-cc.png

The other graphs are:

Penn94, anony-interactions-oneyearA-cc (fb-A-onyear), arxiv-ubc,
as-22july06, ca-AstroPh-cc, cond-mat-2005-fix-cc,
dblp-cc, email-Enron-cc, hollywood-2009-cc,
itdk0304-cc, networkA-anonymized (fb-A), oregon2_010526,
p2p-Gnutella25, rand-ff-25000-0.4 (ff-0.4), rand-ff-25000-0.49 (ff-0.49),
soc-LiveJournal1, web-Google

So put the general pattern is <figtype>-<graph>.png