Circulant Algebra codes

David F. Gleich, Chen Greif, and James M. Varah

The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants.

_These codes are research prototypes and may not work for you.
More documentation and examples will be available soon. _



The package is organized by directory

The root directory for the package. This includes many routines, such as the power method cpowmtd.m, the Arnoldi method carnoldi.m, and Lanczos and Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization routines as well clanczos.m and cgolubkubd.m. This directory also includes constructors such as cazeros, caones, carand, carandi, carandn.
The files for the Matlab class implemening the circulant algebra.
THe directory that holds our experiments.
Many of the same operations, implemented as described in Kilmer, Martin, and Perrone. ...


With a recent version of Matlab (2009b/2010a used for development), the best way to use the package is to open Matlab, navigate to the camat directory, and then execute the command

>>> type example_1.m

This will show a short demo of how to use the package.


|Experiment|Description|Figure| |:------------------|:------------------------------------|:------------------| |periodic_pede/periodic_pde.m | Run the experiment with Laplace's equation | Figure 7, 8 | |example_1.m | Show a simple usage example | |

There are many other undocumented experimental codes in the experiments directory as well.