Environmental Variables

This document was written by CS 290W TA David Corcoran and was last modified

When a Web browser sends a CGI request to a Web server, a few important environmental variables are set which tell you some valuable information about the browser and the request. Below are a few of these:
GET or POST - How the information is being transmitted.
The information from the Web form if being transmitted via the GET method.
The remote machine that is making the request.
The IP address of the remote machine making the request.
The length of the string being passed via POST.
The last page visited by the browser. (Yes, it should be HTTP_REFERRER! It was mispelled early in Web history. It's too late to fix it now! Furthermore, HTTP_REFERER cannot be trusted, for example, if the CGI URL was typed in the location field.)
The browser the user is using.
A few of these could be quite important depending on what you are trying to do. For example you could restrict people using the Internet Explorer browser from executing your CGI script just by examining the environmental variable HTTP_USER_AGENT. You could also only allow users from a certain machine or IP address using REMOTE_HOST or REMOTE_ADDR.

In Perl it is quite easy to get the value of an environmental variable. Simply use $ENV{'VARIABLE'} with the environmental variable substituted for VARIABLE that you are interested in. The following code will illustrate this:


$sBrowser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};

print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";

if ( $sBrowser =~ "Mozilla" ) 
  print "You are using Netscape\n";

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