Quiz 2 -- CS 290W -- Jan 26, 99

(1) Which of the following is a disadvantage of server-side image maps (as opposed to client-side image maps)?
(1) Browser cannot tell you what page is going to be requested if you click on a spot.
(2) Shapes cannot be circles.
(3) Rectangles require all four corner coordinates.
(4) Must use the <MAP> tag.

(2) In a FORM, what does the VALUE attribute do when used with TYPE=RESET?
(1) Specifies the value that will be sent to the cgi program when the reset button is clicked.
(2) Specifies the text on the reset button.
(3) Specifies the text initially displayed in each text field.
(4) Trick Question: VALUE cannot be used with TYPE=RESET.

(3) Which of the following <FORM> features makes an input region of several rows and columns?
(1) <SELECT ROWS=... COLS=...>
(2) <INPUT ROWS=... COLS=...>