Supplemental Instruction

There are Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions available for this course.

Supplemental Instruction is a peer-led review session held twice a week where students will get a chance to have their questions answered, go over course material, and study with others. SI will also provide students with a solid foundation of studying strategies to be successful in future courses. In addition, research shows that students who regularly attend SI earn higher grades.

These study groups are open to anyone enrolled in this course who would like to stay current with the course material and understand the material better.

Attendance at these sessions is voluntary, but extremely beneficial for those who attend weekly.

Matthew Zlatniski is our SI leader this semester. Times and locations for the study sessions are as follows:
Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30pm - 7:20pm (Matthew Zlatniski)UNIV 017

Students can also visit during office hours for individual questions and concerns regrading the course material.
Thursday, 11:00am - 12:00pm (Matthew Zlatniski)ASC