Project 3: Tracking Intruders using Agents

Start date 20 March, Due beginning of class April 3.

You will develop an intruder tracing agent. The idea is to trace an intruder back to it's source. The first hop is easy - your agent will be given the local and remote address and port of a connection to trace. Your agent then migrates to the remote machine and finds the connection that is the source of the information, and repeats the process. When it gets to a machine where it is unable to find a source connection, it returns to the original machine and reports the source (or even the full discovered path, if you wish.)

Use the D'Agents system to allow your agents to move back along the connection. D'Agents is installed on three machines: blitz.cs, siege.cs, and sweep.cs. You should have access to all of them. You might get get started with some of the tutorials at the D'Agents site. The documentation is also available from that site. You may also need Tcl documentation, in particular exec.

Connection Tracing

How do you learn about connections? One way is the netstat command. For example:

blitz% netstat -f inet

   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
blitz.ssh            ballroom.1023        24820      0 24820      0 ESTABLISHED

This shows an X connection - the client is on ballroom, the server is on blitz.

Now we can go to ballroom, and look at the connection:

ballroom% netstat -f inet

   Local Address        Remote Address    Swind Send-Q Rwind Recv-Q  State
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------ -------
ballroom.1023        blitz.ssh            24820      0 24820      0 ESTABLISHED

The problem is, where does the data coming in to this connection start? Best would be to trace the connection back to a process, and then look for other connections from that process, but I'm not sure how to do this. Another approach uses netstat -v:

ballroom% netstat -v -f inet 

Local/Remote Address Swind  Snext     Suna   Rwind  Rnext     Rack    Rto   Mss  State
-------------------- ----- -------- -------- ----- -------- -------- ----- ----- -----
ector.nfsd            8760 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   402  1460
blitz.nfsd           24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   400  1460
blitz.936            24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   515  1460
lucan.nfsd            8760 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   401  1460
blitz.ssh            24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   425  1460
blitz.x-server       24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   486  1460

However, if we run the same command again, we will see a change:

ballroom% netstat -v -f inet 

Local/Remote Address Swind  Snext     Suna   Rwind  Rnext     Rack    Rto   Mss  State
-------------------- ----- -------- -------- ----- -------- -------- ----- ----- -----
ector.nfsd            8760 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   402  1460
blitz.nfsd           24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   400  1460
blitz.936            24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   517  1460
lucan.nfsd            8760 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   401  1460
blitz.ssh            24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   417  1460
blitz.x-server       24820 00000000 00000000 24820 00000000 00000000   486  1460

Note that the Rto field is changed for two connections: ballroom.login/blitz.936 and ballroom.1023/blitz.ssh. This is because both connections were used between the two runs of netstat. Yes, I've done an rlogin from blitz to ballroom, then an ssh back to blitz. The use of ballroom as a transit shows up as both connections sending data in the same interval.

You may need to try this multiple times before your agent is able to narrow it down to a single connection - between two runs of netstat, there are several possibilities. No data may have been sent on the target connection (no change in Rto), multiple connections may have sent data (so you can narrow it down, but not determine which corresponds to the real source), or only the target connection changes (either you've run netstat between the receipt and sending of data, or you've found the source - may want to try a couple of times to make sure.)

Interface / API

You should provide a program or shell script that can be used to call your agent. This should take two arguments: the source address and port, and the destination address and port. The format for these arguments is an IP number and port number (as in netstat -n). For example, to track the connection in the example at the top of the page, use:


Turning in files

In addition to code and the test program described above, please provide documentation describing what your track really does. For example, the design I've outlined isn't exactly ``track back to source''. You should describe what your implementation does, and the limitations it faces in meeting the desired goal.

While email is accepted, the turnin command is preferred (e.g., turnin -c cs603 directoryname).

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