********************************************************************* IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Review Form General Information Log Number: Title: Please Enter Your Full Name: Section I. Overview A. Reader Interest 1. Which category describes this manuscript? ___Practice/Application/Case Study/Experience Report ___Research/Technology ___Survey/Tutorial/How-To 2. How relevant is this manuscript to the readers of this periodical? Please explain your rating. ___Very Relevant ___Relevant ___Interesting - but not very relevant ___Irrelevant Record linkage techniques and efficiency thereof fits well with a wide range of TKDE articles and readership interest. B. Content 1. Please explain how this manuscript advances this field of research and/or contributes something new to the literature. (in "public comments") 2. Is the manuscript technically sound? Please explain your answer. ___Yes ___Appears to be - but didn't check completely ___Partially ___No Need to check Section 4. Otherwise okay except as noted below. C. Presentation 1. Are the title, abstract, and keywords appropriate? Please comment. ___Yes ___No 2. Does the manuscript contain sufficient and appropriate references? Please comment. ___References are sufficient and appropriate ___Important references are missing; more references are needed ___Number of references are excessive 3. Does the introduction state the objectives of the manuscript in terms that encourage the reader to read on? Please explain your answer. ___Yes ___Could be improved ___No 4. How would you rate the organization of the manuscript? Is it focused? Is the length appropriate for the topic? Please comment. ___Satisfactory ___Could be improved ___Poor 5. Please rate and comment on the readability of this manuscript. ___Easy to read ___Readable - but requires some effort to understand ___Difficult to read and understand ___Unreadable Section II. Summary and Recommendation A. Evaluation Please rate the manuscript. Explain your choice. ___Award Quality ___Excellent ___Good ___Fair ___Poor B. Recommendation Please make your recommendation and explain your decision. ___Accept with no changes ___Author should prepare a minor revision ___Author should prepare a major revision for a second review ___Reject Section III. Detailed Comments A. Public Comments (these will be made available to the author) *** In an effort to adhere to our strict page budget and maintain a healthy yet short publication queue, we are trying to better enforce our long standing page limitations and formatting guidelines with our authors. In order to help them adhere to these guidelines, we need your support. One way you can help us meet these objectives is by suggesting ways to maintain the lengths of their manuscripts should you decide to ask the author to add new content.*** B. Confidential Comments (authors will not see these comments) If you plan to accept, or subject to minor revisions, let me know so I can double-check Section 4. However, I think Section 4 may need significant revision based on my comments, so didn't fully check at this point. **************************************************************************** Conduct of the Referee In order to guarantee fairness to the author, the reviewer for a paper submitted to the IEEE Computer Society should abide by a number of guidelines not limited to the following: Respond within the allotted time. Provide sound, constructive reviews. Assume that papers submitted for publication are not meant to be public. Do not use material from a paper you have refereed. Do not share material from a paper you have refereed with others. Do not distribute copies of a paper you have been asked to referee unless the material is already public. Tell the associate editor or editor-in-chief if there are any conflicts of interest involved in refereeing a paper. Any other action designed to protect the authors' rights The IEEE does outline review guidelines for IEEE editors and referees in its IEEE Publication Board document, `Review Guidelines for IEEE Editors'. Items specific to the conduct of the referee are highlighted here, but the entire document is available at: http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/revpol.html. Per Section 9, items 3 and 4: 3. IEEE policy requires that referees treat the contents of papers under review as privileged information not to be disclosed to others before publication. (NOTE: A policy of the 1980 PUB. Although implicit to the peer review system, this policy is explicitly stated in response to the nondisclosure requirements of a Patent Law affecting many European countries.) 4. It is expected that no one with access to a paper under review will make any inappropriate use of the special knowledge that access provides. (NOTE: A policy of the 1983 PUB, and IEEE Policy 6.18.A.6. This explicit statement of what has always been implicit in the peer review system is in specific response to a member's complaint that, although publications routinely establish rules and guidelines for authors, no "code of publishing practice" exists for Editors and reviewers.) *************************************************************************