Website Security

(This material last modified

Most Web servers pay special attention to a file named .htaccess in any folder. This can be used to allow access to files in this folder (or any sub-folder thereof) to only those browsers who meet your criteria. The .htaccess file should be world-readable just like any .html file. The .htaccess file looks something like an .html file. Note: Servers can be configured to recognize any file name for this purpose, but .htaccess is by far the most common.

Access by Domain or IP Address

The <Limit GET> directive controls which clients can access files in this folder. There are two ways of doing this: <Limit GET> Order deny,allow deny from all allow from </Limit> The Order directive says to process all "deny" lines first and then all "allow" lines next. So, "deny from all" says "don't let any clients retrieve files from this folder". But, "allow from" says "but do let clients from retrieve files".

<Limit GET> Order deny,allow deny from all allow from allow from allow from .gov </Limit> Once again, "deny from all" says "don't let any clients retrieve files from this folder". But, the three allow lines say "but do let clients from,, and .gov retrieve files".

<Limit GET> Order deny,allow deny from allow from </Limit> "deny from" says "don't let any clients retrieve files from this folder". But, "allow from" says "but do let clients from retrieve files". Notice that any client from anywhere else (like is unimpeded in retrieving files from this folder!

<Limit GET> Order allow,deny allow from all deny from .com deny from </Limit> The Order directive says to process all "allow" lines first and then all "deny" lines next. So, "allow from all" says "let any clients retrieve files from this folder". But, "deny from .com" and "deny from" say "but do NOT let clients from .com or retrieve files".

<Limit GET> Order allow,deny allow from deny from </Limit> This is probably an error. "allow from" says "let clients from retrieve files". But, "deny from" says "don't let any clients retrieve files from this folder". Because of the order, this will over-ride the allow line. So, the allow line accomplishes nothing!

Access by Password

There are several ways of password-protecting files in a folder. The following is a fairly standard way of doing this.

Suppose that you want access to your files to be through two accounts

Username Password
bond james007
holmes sherwats

Go to the folder and type the Unix command

htpasswd -c .htpasswd bond You will see... Adding password for bond. New password: Type the password james007
Then, you will see... Re-type new password: Again type the password james007
If the two do not match, you will be scolded and will have to go through this process again :-)

Then, type the Unix command

htpasswd .htpasswd holmes Important: Notice that the -c option is only used for the first Username and Password. It creates a new .htpasswd file.

You will see...

Adding password for holmes. New password: Type the password sherwats
Then, you will see... Re-type new password: You know what to do!

Make the .htpasswd file world-readable.

Next, use any editor to create a .htgroup file that looks like this:

ourSpies: bond holmes Make the .htgroup file world-readable.

Now, create or edit the .htaccess file so that it looks like this:

AuthUserFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htgroup AuthName SpyInfo AuthType Basic <Limit GET> require group ourSpies </Limit> Make the .htaccess file world-readable.

The AuthUserFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htpasswd line tells the server that your password file is at location /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret and is named .htpasswd. It is important that this be the full Unix pathname of the password file.

The AuthGroupFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htgroup line tells the server that your group file is at location /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret and is named .htgroup. It is important that this be the full Unix pathname of the group file.

The AuthName SpyInfo line tells the server that the files in this folder are protected under the Realm name "SpyInfo". The little "Username and Password..." box will say "Enter username for SpyInfo". When someone gives a correct Username and Password for this Realm, they can access any other of your SpyInfo files from any folder without needing to re-type Username and Password.

The AuthType Basic line tells the server that you are using Basic HTTP Authentication.

The require group ourSpies line tells the server that you will only grant access to files in this folder if the Usernames are from group ourSpies (as denoted in the .htgroup file).

Try it

Access by Domain and Password

You may combine both Access by Domain or IP Address with Access by Password as shown below: AuthUserFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /home/champion/v/bxd/www/secret/.htgroup AuthName SpyInfo AuthType Basic <Limit GET> Order deny,allow deny from all allow from require group ourSpies </Limit> In this situation, access to the files in this folder is limited to clients from who know one of the appropriate Username/Password pairs.