BITS C461 Software Engineering

First Semester 2003-04

Important Dates for Sponsors of the BITS C 461 Team Project

March 5, 2001 Instructor sends email to potential sponsors inviting them to sponsor a project in BITS C461.
March 19, 2001 A "Yes" or a "No" from the potential sponsor expected by this date.
April 9, 2001 A 1-paragraph description of the proposed project due to the instructor. This could be sent via email.
April 16, 2001 Instructor's feedback to the sponsor due by this date.
May 7, 2001 First draft of the project requirements document due by this date. Word, LaTex, postcript, or pdf formats are acceptable. Click here for a sample requirements document..
May 14, 2001 Instructor's feedback on the requirement document due.
June 4, 2001 Final draft of the requirements document due.
July 2, 2001 Requirements documents from all sponsors available to potential BITS C461 students via the course web site.

Last Update: March 5, 2003