BITS C461 Software Engineering

First Semester 2003-04

Evaluation Scheme

Team Project

Presentations: 10%

Requirements document: 5%

Design Document: 15%

Prototype: 20% (Feedback Form)

The final prototype presentation (20%) is graded as follows:

Prototype: 70%

Presentation: 10%

Design: 20%

Midterm Exam 15%
Homeworks (individual submissions) 5%
Laboratory assignments (one submission per team) 5%
Final Exam 25%

All grading is relative. All members of a team are expected to contribute equally towards their team's progress. At the end of the semester an Individual Contribution Index (ICI) will be computed for each student. Details of ICI computation and its use in determining the final project grade are found here.

All presentations are expected to be well planned, well rehearsed, and delivered professionally. (There is no dress code!)

Last update: November 17, 2003