CS 434 Advanced Graphics and Gaming

Admin info, Spring 2014

-          Instructors: Daniel Aliaga and Voicu Popescu

o   {aliaga | popescu}@purdue.edu

-          Pre-requisites: CS 334 or equivalent

Tentative syllabus

1.       Rendering

a.       Specular reflections

b.      Texture synthesis

c.       Light transport

d.      Radiosity

e.      Soft shadows

f.        Ambient occlusion

2.       Modeling

a.       Panoramic imaging

b.      Geometry acquisition

c.       Inverse procedural modeling

3.       Animation

a.       Forward and inverse kinematics

b.      Fluid animation

c.       Gaming

Ambient Occlusion



Texture synthesis



1.       Game engines: Unity, G3D

2.       Smartphone & tablets (e.g. iOS, Android)

3.       CPU:C++

4.       GPU: shaders, CUDA

Specular reflections

Assignments, Midterm, Final Project, and No Final Exam

1.       2 assignments, 2 x 13% = 26%

a.       approximately 2 weeks per assignment, require implementation

b.      Possible topics: soft shadows, panoramas, geometry acquisition, global illumination

2.       Midterm examination, 24%

3.       Final project, 50%

a.       6 weeks,  requires implementation

b.      individual topics, teamwork possible

4.       No final examination


Soft shadows